Her royal highness Princess Prissy Pants passed today 😭

I am so sorry!!😢
This was my beautiful girl, doing one of her favorite things ... surveying her "kingdom"
She was 3 years 4 months old 😭


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Oh no😢😢 I’m so sorry for your lost. Keep her close in your heart and she will over her kingdom for her cloud tree 🙏🏻💚

Did you notice anything odd the last days?
Oh no😢😢 I’m so sorry for your lost. Keep her close in your heart and she will over her kingdom for her cloud tree 🙏🏻💚

Did you notice anything odd the last days?
She went from sassy and opinionated to gone in the 14 hours I was at work 😭
She huffed at me in typical Spazzy fashion yesterday morning when I turned her lights on/misted her enclosure. I told her I loved her and I'd see her when I got home (like I did every morning) and she puffed her chin at me
My daughter got home from her college classes before I got home from work and found her laying in one of the pothos pots
We had just celebrated her 3 year gotcha day last month
She was a baby from PetSmart (maybe 2 or 3 months old)
It hurt not turning on her lights this morning, not hearing her protests at her enclosure being misted, not getting a foot raise and chin for existing 😭😭😭😭
She never got to eat the moths that are in cocoons right now (lost hornworm shipment, they were too big to feed her by the time they got here so I put them in a butterfly keeper to cocoon)
She went from sassy and opinionated to gone in the 14 hours I was at work 😭
She huffed at me in typical Spazzy fashion yesterday morning when I turned her lights on/misted her enclosure. I told her I loved her and I'd see her when I got home (like I did every morning) and she puffed her chin at me
My daughter got home from her college classes before I got home from work and found her laying in one of the pothos pots
We had just celebrated her 3 year gotcha day last month
She was a baby from PetSmart (maybe 2 or 3 months old)
It hurt not turning on her lights this morning, not hearing her protests at her enclosure being misted, not getting a foot raise and chin for existing 😭😭😭😭
She never got to eat the moths that are in cocoons right now (lost hornworm shipment, they were too big to feed her by the time they got here so I put them in a butterfly keeper to cocoon)
That makes it even worst. I hate sudden deaths, both chams I lost have died that way 😭😭

Wish you all the strength during your grief 💚
That makes it even worst. I hate sudden deaths, both chams I lost have died that way 😭😭

Wish you all the strength during your grief 💚
My daughter's boy passed a week and one day after we got him. I have to assume he was already sick (he was already 2 years old when we got him)
Spaz ... she was sassy, opinionated, feisty and oh so bossy from day one. She owned us and she knew it. Everything went Spazzy's way or no way at all lol
She had perfected the "eat dirt" look by the time she was 5 months old and gave us that look all the time. She had the best side eye and when she was "done" with you, she'd suck one eye in (her version of the teenage eye roll 😆)
If there were something that annoyed her, she didn't mind letting you know all about it
Her favorite thing on Sundays was to either sit in the bay window (if the temp outside was below 75) or have adventures on the back deck/inside the greenhouse ... she loved the Camilla bush at the edge of the driveway the most. She would sit there forever, soaking up the sun and terrorizing the cat on the other side of the window (all 3 of the cats were terrified of Spaz lol)
I have no idea what to do with her house now. What do I do on Sundays at noon? Or every morning before work? No more playing Where's Spaz in the pothos leaves when I get home or getting "mauled" over a hornworm or crickies 😭
I miss my girl so much 😭😭
I am so so sorry to hear of your unexpected loss! You can never replace her. I.mean what xham has an eye roll like that!?! But if you ask the universe, it will put in your path what you need! I believe in that 100%. Oh wanted to let you know its hawkmoth season. I had 5 hatch and have 5 cups of eggs hatching. Season is june to october. Once again, i am so sorry for your loss.
My daughter's boy passed a week and one day after we got him. I have to assume he was already sick (he was already 2 years old when we got him)
Spaz ... she was sassy, opinionated, feisty and oh so bossy from day one. She owned us and she knew it. Everything went Spazzy's way or no way at all lol
She had perfected the "eat dirt" look by the time she was 5 months old and gave us that look all the time. She had the best side eye and when she was "done" with you, she'd suck one eye in (her version of the teenage eye roll 😆)
If there were something that annoyed her, she didn't mind letting you know all about it
Her favorite thing on Sundays was to either sit in the bay window (if the temp outside was below 75) or have adventures on the back deck/inside the greenhouse ... she loved the Camilla bush at the edge of the driveway the most. She would sit there forever, soaking up the sun and terrorizing the cat on the other side of the window (all 3 of the cats were terrified of Spaz lol)
I have no idea what to do with her house now. What do I do on Sundays at noon? Or every morning before work? No more playing Where's Spaz in the pothos leaves when I get home or getting "mauled" over a hornworm or crickies 😭
I miss my girl so much 😭😭
I wish I had words to help soothe your pain, but they just don’t exist. It’s terrible losing a beloved animal ‘child’. Take time to grieve. Find ways to honor her memory, whether it be planting a tree or flowers, making a donation to animal rescue, framing a favorite pic of her or whatever else feels right to you. Be kind and gentle to yourself as your heart heals. Many hugs. (((💗)))
I wish I would have an answer. But, I would leave it like it is, when heart stops bleeding go for a young male. Your little princess is not replaceable, therefore a prince could take that piece of heart open for……
The ironic thing is we had been told Spaz was a male when we got her. I had to be the one to tell the employees at PetSmart how to tell the difference between male and female veiled babies lol
Thankfully I figured out Spazzy was female and joined this forum to find out what exactly was needed for her before she was old enough to actually need her lay bin
She had so much personality for being such a tiny girl. Her attitude rivaled both my teenage daughters attitudes combined 😆
She was my living work of art, a tiny little masterpiece of beauty and sass
She was my calm when I got home from work (I work in health care)
I know I still have the furbabies (3 cats, 2 ferrets) but they don't have the same peacefulness Spazzy had 😢
I wish I had words to help soothe your pain, but they just don’t exist. It’s terrible losing a beloved animal ‘child’. Take time to grieve. Find ways to honor her memory, whether it be planting a tree or flowers, making a donation to animal rescue, framing a favorite pic of her or whatever else feels right to you. Be kind and gentle to yourself as your heart heals. Many hugs. (((💗)))
One of the funeral homes in my town now handles pet cremation as well as human services. I took her there this morning. I shouldn't have taken her by myself though ... the funeral home staff met me at the door with a small basket that looked like a little casket for me to lay her in (satin bedding and all) and they played bell tower like chimes as they carried her downstairs
I literally sat there and sobbed for a solid 20 minutes 😭
They were all so kind and treated me like I'd lost a family member, not "just a pet" ... they also provide a photo and personal obituary on their website if you would like them to. They're going to try to make a plaster casting of her little feet and tail curl for me as well
Hubby bought me another Camilla bush this morning to plant at the beginning of the driveway for Spazzy since the one next to the house was her favorite of all the outside plants/trees/bushes
@PrincessSpaz …read through all your posts in this thread again and realize all the great memories you have of Princess Spaz…this means she will always be in your heart…always with you. ❤️
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