Herb is OK for Veild?

If he likes to eat leaves try giving him green leafy veggies like dandelion leaves or collard/mustard greens.
Yes - Spearmint is an excellent thing for your chameleon to eat. high in calcium.
but rosemary isnt as good, in my opinion.

Like pssh said, dandelion and collards are also good choices.
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I see.. I will find collard/mustard greens and dandelion leaves..
but It gonna be hard..
I never seen dandelion leaves, collard/mustard greens in flower shop..
They are veggies, not flowers. :) You get them at the grocery store. Try getting a hibiscus when it warms up, and an umbrella plant or ficus for now.
I have hibiscus and an umbrella plant already.. and He love hibiscus flower and leaves ^^
I want buy more hibiscus but winter is hard to find hibiscus.
I will try get some dandelion leaves, collard/mustard greens ^^
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