Hi everyone


Avid Member
Hi fellow Cham forum people. I've noticed a lot of new screen names. So just wanted to say hi and introduce myself, I'm Michael.

On a side note where are all the old people at?
Yea me too am fairly new but I learned so much on this forum thanks for all your help Cham owners! :)
Hi fellow Cham forum people. I've noticed a lot of new screen names. So just wanted to say hi and introduce myself, I'm Michael.

On a side note where are all the old people at?

OLD!!! Did you say old? Good thing you said that after I hugged you - I might have choked you instead.
Hey! I've been around for a couple months, but still new.

Everyone has been very helpful in getting me ready (even if you didn't realize I was stalking your posts :p) and now I hope to give back!
Dont worry i just figured it out about a month ago lol, soim right on board with ya.

BTW Has anyone talked to Anne? havnt seen her on in a while either?

No and I am concerned. She said she would be at the meeting on Sat and she didn't show or call me. I have called and left messages but no response - not like her at all.
Since it seems like we're sharing names :) I'm John Paul.

Interesting bit of info to know me: People call me pope, because even though I was named after John Paul Jones of Led Zeppelin, I was born on pope John Paul's birthday.
Since it seems like we're sharing names :) I'm John Paul.

Interesting bit of info to know me: People call me pope, because even though I was named after John Paul Jones of Led Zeppelin, I was born on pope John Paul's birthday.
Thats freakin awsome!:cool:
I have the same bday as Bruce Lee, Jimmy Hendrix, and Bill Nye:p

As for real names... My name is Robin :)

Nice to meet you Robin:)
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