High Calcium cricket diet?


New Member
I was curious if i could use Ghanns high calcium cricket diet to feed my crickets as opposed to dusting them with calcium. Will that way provide my Melleri with the calcium he needs as much as the dust would? Again thx for your time and any info.
short anser....NO.

crickets make the best feeder IMHO for many reasons.
one of the best reasons to use crickets is that they can be well gut loaded with a wide range of healthy foods.
but let's be realistic here...when feed out to our chams, not all will have thier digestive track filled with food.
in fact, I'll bet that half to maybe 3/4 of our feeders have little in thier bellys and have pooped out all the food before feeding time.

I would also like to belive that the "juice" that makes up alot of the insides of a cricket contains some of the vitamins/mierals and other goodness that we feed to them.
but I wont hold my breath untill it is proven.

regardless, dusting is still needed to help with the calcium that all chams need.

Ok that's what i needed to know, i'll keep making my varied gutload and just get the calcium dust for em, thank you very much :)
So which do i choose, i want the best for my guy. Do I make sure it has phosphorous? And do I make sure it's 1-1 ratio i saw one that was 2-1?
you want a few types of dust....

phos free calcium for everyday use.
something like rep-cal calcium w/o D3.

then use a calcium dust with some vitamins in it 2 times a month.
something like herptivite or reptivite.

I also feel that minerals are needed as well, so I use miner-all w/o D3 twice a month.

lastly, if housed indoors you will need to use some calcium with D3 once or twice a month.
something like rep-cal calcium w/D3.

Ok cool, you've been very helpful, and i really appreciate the info, i already have the rep-cal with D-3, but have only used it once, i will buy the others and should be on the right track to a healthy, happy, chameleon :)
Thx again,
Would that be the miner-all outdoor formula?

yes, the outdoor formula does not contain D3.

I use it because I don't want to suplement too much with D3.
remember that suplements are for an added boost of what your chameleon might need every now and then.
they are not for every day.

just stright up calcium with no additives should be used on a daily basis.

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