Higher price worth it??


New Member
I'm planning on getting a Chameleon within the next few weeks once I feel comfortable that I know as much about caring for one as I possibly can. One thing I haven't really come across yet in my research is the ability to predict the coloring of a baby Chameleon. I don't mind spending extra money for one if I know its going to have amazing coloring. So my question how acurate of a prediction for what your Chameleon will look like is the Sire???
most traits i believe are from the female probly 60/40 female to male traits i look at the parents of the female as much or more then the parent of sire
eh, roll of the dice.

some babies can look like dad, some like moms dad, some like the dads dad.

it really depends.
One thing you can do, if you're willing to pay a little more, is buy a slightly older chameleon. Say most are sold at 2.5-3 months of age, find a 4-6 month old. By that point they will already have more color and you will get a slightly better idea of what they will look like as adults. I did this with one Ambilobe panther that I had my heart on who HAD to look like his sire, and I bought a 5.5 month old who had the potential and by his shed a week later he was practically a tiny carbon copy of his father. I was thrilled. He could have turned out differently, but he was old enough so that I could see his potential.

It's an option worth considering. Best of luck!
I agree with Olimpia, older ones showing their colors are a better bet, as well as hold-backs.
OP, if price is not an option for you. Get a Panter.(it all depends on what you fancy is, but i find Panthers to be more rewarding color wise).. I think the Sire and Dame of a Cham plays a large role in what the offspring will look like.

It's always hit or miss. But if you want a high red/yellow/blue/orange,this bar, that bar, size etc Cham, then look for a Sire that has thoes traits. Some of the more experienced and organized breeders keep detailed records of both the Mother and Father of ever clutch they produce. It might reflect in the price because of this attention to detail.
When I was on the search for my panther, I asked to see both picks of the sire and the dame's sire. I picked a baby that both the father and the dame's father had very similar traits, so I hope when he gets older he looks fairly similar to both. I also looked at the dame's brother. I don't have him yet, (I'm counting on him hatching still...) so I don't know if he'll actually look like his father, grandfather, or uncle yet. Just hoping for the best.
I'm planning on getting a Chameleon within the next few weeks once I feel comfortable that I know as much about caring for one as I possibly can. One thing I haven't really come across yet in my research is the ability to predict the coloring of a baby Chameleon. I don't mind spending extra money for one if I know its going to have amazing coloring. So my question how acurate of a prediction for what your Chameleon will look like is the Sire???

The older the cham the better idea of what the colors will be but they can have big changes in color as they age. I have a male I bought at 6mo old that fired up orange (actually the one in my avatar) he fires up yellow now and he is 2 years old. Out of two clutches from the same male and female I have had huge variations in the babies its kind of a crap shoot. But if you start out with better genetics you should have a better chance of getting better colors.
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