His eye is closed?


New Member
My 2 and a half month old Veiled Chameleon's right eye is being weird? he is closing it randomly. What could be the cause of this? :confused:

Here is a video i made of him doing it in HD.


Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - Veiled Chameleon, Male, and 2 months. Been in care for 2 weeks.
Handling - NEVER
Feeding - Crickets,Amount is how many he wants? I dump 20 half inch crickets per day. I use cat food/pouders.
Supplements - RepCall Calcium ever other day.
Watering - Monsoon mister alteast once every 2 hours.
Fecal Description - Brown/Black and Very White
History - N/A

Cage Info:
Cage Type - Exo Terra Natural Terrarium Large/X-Tall 90 x 45 x 90 cm / 36” x 18” x 36” (WxDxH)
Lighting - Exo Terra 5.0 and 3 1k lumems plant bulbs
Temperature - Floor is from 73-78 dgs basking is 80-90 dgs.
Humidity - 60-100%
Plants - Real Plants from LLLreptile not sure what kinds.
Placement - In the corner of my room. I am useing a compter fan ontop of his cage for better ventalation.
Location - San Diego California

Current Problem - Eye's are closeing and puffing in and out.
Please fill out the how to ask for help form in the health forum and copy and paste it here because there are a lot of factors that could cause eye issues. Thanks!
Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - Veiled Chameleon, Male, and 2 months. Been in care for 2 weeks.
Handling - NEVER
Feeding - Crickets,Amount is how many he wants? I dump 20 half inch crickets per day. I use cat food/pouders.
Supplements - RepCall Calcium ever other day.
Watering - Monsoon mister alteast once every 2 hours.
Fecal Description - Half Brown/Black other half Very White
History - N/A

Cage Info:
Cage Type - Exo Terra Natural Terrarium Large/X-Tall 90 x 45 x 90 cm / 36” x 18” x 36” (WxDxH)
Lighting - Exo Terra 5.0 and 3 1k lumems plant bulbs
Temperature - Floor is from 73-78 dgs basking is 80-90 dgs.
Humidity - 60-100%
Plants - Real Plants from LLLreptile not sure what kinds.
Placement - In the corner of my room. I am useing a compter fan ontop of his cage for better ventalation.
Location - San Diego California

Current Problem - Eye's are closeing and puffing in and out.
Are you giving him any vitamins or calcium with D3 or only the plain calcium supplement? Th supplements you give your chameleon can really affect their health, starting with eyes usually. A vitamin A deficiency can cause eye issues. A veiled should get typically a plain calcium supplement every feeding( ONLY calcium no other minerals), A calcium with vitamin D3 2 times a month or once every other week, and a multivitamin once a month.

Also, DO NOT GUTLOAD CRICKETS WITH CAT FOOD! It is too high in protein and will cause gout in your chameleon. Look at Sandrachameleon's blogs about gutloading your feeders please: https://www.chameleonforums.com/blogs/sandrachameleon/

One more thing, is your UVB light a linear tube or a coil bulb? Sometimes the coils are too bright for them and it irritates their eyes. A few years ago there were issues with them causing blindness but they have been "supposedly" fixed. I still stick to the linear reptiglo 5.0 though, since it is proven safe.
i use the repcal powder that is only the calcium one yes. And how should get him more vitamin A? And can i use dog food instead? If not whats the cheapest rout for gutloading?
It's a bit hard to see in the video, but it sort of looks like he has a bit of retained shed on the lid....mist, mist, mist and then, mist some more...

This board is anti "other pet food" as a component of gutload. I don't entirely agree, but that's another discussion. The easiest way to handle it is to have a 2 stage feeder set up. Your bigger, primary feeder keeper gets the food that makes crickets grow. Your second, smaller feeder keeper gets green veggies, fresh fruit, stuff like that. You pull your victims from the primary group and give them a life of luxury for 24 to 48 hours before putting them in with the chameleon.
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