Holy Crap!

Crazy Pet Lady

New Member
Ok, so I took the forum advice and got me some super worms. The only problem now is they are almost as big as the chameleon!! Seriously. There was an immediate feeding response, but it got away. I found it and returned it to the dish, but he hasn't come back yet. Is this ok? Is it dangerous to feed him something this big?? It kinda freaks me out. Help!!!
Don't feed your chameleon anything bigger than the length between their eyes.

You could try breeding the superworms but it takes time and patience.
A heck of alot of Time!
Try to find the smallest ones possible or only feed pale freshly moulted ones (not too many)
Superworms have to turn into the beetles first, you can do this by putting them in a small dark place and providing them little to no food.. then once you get beetles, you put them together, hope you have a male and female.. and wait.

Well, at least I think that's how it works.
No Hes not, Brye has a funny sense of humour :)

Long skinny insects like supers should be ok, go down like sphagetti, but feed only one per meal for such a small cham, and prefrably soft (moulted).
Variety is best, so dont skip small crickets etc.
You wernt to know superworms were that big. Be sparing, it'll be fine, just remember its stomach is tiny, one for such a small animal will go a long way indeed. :)

If a superworm is as long as the chameleon, it's too large of a feeder. That is my opinion, of course.

Some of the joking around comes across as serious. Please keep the trash talk in PM as well as the jokes about holding chameleons and forcing them to eat superworms that are clearly too large for them.
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Don't feed your chameleon anything bigger than the length between their eyes.

You could try breeding the superworms but it takes time and patience.

Actually the rule is don't feed anything wider than the space between their eyes and half their body (snout to vent ) length
If you are really worried about it, you could try cutting the worms in half and hand feeding.....Kinda messy, but surprisingly effective....
If the superworm is wider than the space between your chameleons eyes, and/or is longer than half the length of the chameleons body (not including tail), they are too big.

This is really useful info Sandra! I've been wondering about how big is 'too big' for supers for a while. I have a bunch left over from when I had Lily and Amy is now big enough to eat the smaller ones. I knew about the space between the eyes rule, but not about the length rule.
I don't think I'll be breeding them any time soon. Seems like a lot of rigamarole to me. They are cheap enough. I'll feed 'em to my box turtle instead. Thanks for the info though. Maybe I'll try it when he gets bigger. BTW he is having his first shed today. (Since I've had him anyway) Yay!
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