homemade dripper ideas?


New Member
i would like to make a homemade dripper and i'm not having much success with the plastic cup with a hole in it plan. does anyone have good directions or pictures? thanks!
I'm also interested in making my own...how many times per minute should the dripper release a drop of water?
Some ideas

I read about a hamster water bottle with a small hole in the top. I got one and then made the hole too big. The water just flowed out the dripper end. Also, there was a concern about the cham damaging its toung on the springloaded ball in the end. You could pad that end by stretching a couple inches (or feet) of small diameter surgical tubing over the tip. Medical supply sotres and pharmacies dont have this tubing, but any Sporting goods store will have it in the Fishing Pole isle. The flow was still too fast, so I got a little needle valve, and that changed everything. Ass said and done, my system is pretty elaborate and probably more complicated than it needed to be.

You might slow the flow by putting a paper towel in the bottom of the cup. Maybe a spunge would work too.

If you go with the hamster dripper, you only need the verrrrry smmmmmaaalest of holes. Dont use a posterboard style push pin, like I did. If I had it to do over, maybe a very small sowing needle would have been better. Also, dont forget to pad the dripper tip!!!

Nomatter what you do about the dripper, you will need a catch for the water that the cham does not consume. I got a Ziplock food container and cut out the middle of the lid. Then I stretched some pantyhose across the top of the container and sealed the lid on the edges. Now, it catches the water directly under the spout and if my cham should fall down there, the nylon pantyhose stretched across will prevent her from drowning.


I got a swedgelok needle valve and I keep it dripping at about 10 drips per minute. I shut the water off by pinching the tubing I have with a cloths pin at night.

I still mist before I go to wrok and when I get home. I have a habbamister that comes on during the day when I am at work. MistKing is better, but they may not be available yet.
I do things the easy way. Get a gallon or 1/2 gallon milk jug. Buy a piece of fish tubing & a valve for the tubing. Drill a hole smaller by only a tiny, tiny bit, put the tubing in with the valve on the end and set the drip to the speed you want. Sit it on the top of the cage and you are in business. Also it helps if you cut the tubing at a slant, it goes in easier.



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