

New Member
Hey Guys,

I have recently adopted 4 green tree frogs and was advised that they eat hoppers. Can I feed these to my chameleon as a change from crix and also do i just use the same gutload (currently kale).

If you mean locusts, then yeah George will love them. I keep mine in the tubs they come in, and locusts and crix get fed the same gutload. Lily loves locusts - it was all she would eat when I first got her!
No not locusts, grasshoppers. I looked for locusts after you recommended them Tiff but could only find these HUGE things which I dont think George could manage....will keep looking.....:)

Dont think Im having much luck trying to find feeders :rolleyes:
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I haven't come across grasshoppers yet. I expect Lily would like them. You can get locusts in different sizes like crix. I think they range from small, medium, large, extra large and adult sizes. As long as you follow the 'no bigger than the width between the cham's eyes' rule then you'll be ok! (That's the width of the feeder and not the length.)
Thanks guys I will try them now feel better about it. Will let ya know how if goes Tiff :cool:

Yeah DeFishy the frogs are the great thanks :D
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