Horn worm help

Im new to keeping hornworms and have just ran into the issue of size. With their rapid growth Im worried my cham shouldn't be eating them when they reach a certain size. I know the general rule for juveniles is the length between their eyes but I have been feeding him horn wormsn and super worms a little bigger then that. At this point they are much bigger. Im looking on advice on how to maybe slow growth, what to do with the big ones? (can I feed them to him still?, is it safe? cut them in half before feeding them (ewww)) or what I should do in general I guess.

My cham:
Under a year.
have had hime for about 6 months now

The weather here is pretty warm right now. anywhere from 75-100 degrees depending on the day. Right now, on hot days I rotate them in and out of a fridge but have heard if you do that too much or its too cold they die.

Thanks in advance for the help!
The rotating from fridge is fine for slowing growth. The rule between the eyes is for the width of the bug not the length. So with worms a pretty decent sized worm could still be eaten.
You can feed bigger hornworms to your cham because their squishy and yes a day in and then a day out of the fridge slows down their growth.
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