Horns (and fins)


Retired Moderator
Swung by LLL a little while ago to check out the Pfeffer's chameleons they just got in and couldn't help myself; I just got my first pair of quads in 10 years. This guy was just glowing, as was the female I got, and check out the rack! Need a name for him now....


sweet pickups kent i like quads..I am glad i dont live that close to lll, my willpower sucks.
sweet pickups kent i like quads..I am glad i dont live that close to lll, my willpower sucks.

You hit the nail on the head, but I love quads & my willpower sucks. I bought a pair from chad, and another female from Tom, but you can just never have to many quads.:D:D:D Pretty pair Kent, we can swap babies - well if I ever breed mine.
He is just awesome, going to be a beast! - when I get more they will be quads 80% or maybe panthers 20%! Not going to be for a while yet, I think but since I joined this site I've just been wanting more Chameleons :D
Well, willpower being what it is, I also got a pair of their Pfeffer's today. :eek: They disappeared into their plants before I even thought about getting out the camera, though.
Well, willpower being what it is, I also got a pair of their Pfeffer's today. :eek: They disappeared into their plants before I even thought about getting out the camera, though.
I'm going to need stronger will power than that, or a decent lottery win might do it:) - how many animals have you got now?
Well, I acclimated them for a couple months and then let them live together for 45 days or so. I saw quite a bit of courtship activity but never a copulation as the female is extremely shy/skittish. On New Year's Day I got a nice little clutch of eggs, though.

Kent do you by chance know what she weighted prior to mating? My girl is over a year but seems small to me. I know Lenny is ready to go, typical randy male.:rolleyes:
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