Hornworms, silkworms and dubia..oh my!


Chameleon Enthusiast
So, I have just had the pleasure of finding out that my newest little stinker, DZ, loves hornworms but will tuck tail and run from a silkworm. Killing me, buddy, you're killing me!

Thankfully he has taken to dubia very well. I put a silk in his dish with the dubia and he did appear to have eaten that. I offered him a silk today with tongs and he ran to the back of his cage. Pulled out a hornworm, offered it to him with the tongs and he came right out of his little hiding spot and back to the center of the cage to get it. Goofy.

I have 3 questions......#1 how many hornworms a week is ok for them?

#2 I picked up a mini fridge yesterday to try and store them in to slow the growth a bit since it feels like I can only feed him about 5 before they are monstrous in size and too big for my almost 6 month boy. Plus, I hate the way their poo smells and I don't want that in my fridge with our food! I remember reading somewhere a temp to keep them at that someone gave. What is a good temp to keep the mini fridge set at to slow their growth?

#3 Any tips of getting him more excited about the silk worms? I was getting excited to start getting eggs to hatch since silks are a great feeder but if he's not gonna go for them.....:unsure:
I too, have a mini fridge that I use to store all my leafy greens, cricket chow, roach chow, butter worms, and other various things in. I also use it to delay the hatching of flies, or also to slow down the growth of hornworms when I have them. The fridge is set for 50 degrees, and I've never had a hornworm die in there (or any insect for that matter). I keep the hornworms in the fridge for 2 days, then take them out for a day. In the fridge for 2 days, then take them out for a day - over and over till all the hornworms are gone. Works flawlessly for me every time. The first time buying hornworms, I had lots get too big so I had to pupate some of them. But every time since then, I've been able to use all the worms before they get too big.

As for how many hornworms a week can you feed? Well, since they grow so fast, when I have them I try to feed off one or two every day so that way I can burn through them before they all get too large. They are made up of mostly water, and your chameleon gets water by drinking anyways. What's a little more water gonna hurt? Hornworms are really good for your chameleon as well. If it was a main feeder, then it would probably pose a problem with all the water you are putting into the chameleon. IDK about you, but when my cham eats hornworms, his urates are the whitest white I have ever seen. It's like he's pooping snow. lol. Since most people only buy hornworms here and there as feeders due to the price, then when you DO have them, it probably won't hurt him at all if you give a couple a day, every day, until they are gone. That's my opinion. I've done this every time I've had hornworms and it never causes the poop to be too runny and it never gives him diarrhea or anything of the such. I never give more than two a day though, because I always try to mix in a hard feeder or two with them to give a bit more meat in the belly with the water.

As for your question about silk worms.... I can't help you there. I have never tried them with my chameleon. I've read lots of good things about their nutritional value, but lots of people make it sound like they are a hassle to keep alive.... Some people though, have really good luck with them, and other people try and try and still can't keep the silkworms alive. I've just never brought myself to getting them yet. Maybe one day. Just not yet.
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