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I have about 10 hornworms that are too big for my chams to eat. Any suggestions on what I should do with them? Anyone want them? Just pay shipping...

Are they worth having morf and then feed?
You could try breeding?? I don't know how hard they are to breed, but I guess it could save you money in the long run...
I don't know if your cham is a picky eater but you can cut the horn worms in half and move them back and forth in front of your cham and he might snap at it. I did that once. :)
I don't know if your cham is a picky eater but you can cut the horn worms in half and move them back and forth in front of your cham and he might snap at it. I did that once. :)

Good idea. I can try that.

I'll make sure I wear a face shield. lol...
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