
can anybody tell the difference between a male and female hornworm?
i was thinking of breeding some. can anyone help me out?
I'm unaware of any difference in the larval stage (the actual hornworm). When raising them on wheat germ, they are almost turquoise instead of lime green in color, but no sexual dimorphism for the caterpillars that I'm aware of. When adults, the males have thicker antennae. There are also claspers on the abdomens of males, which aren't easy to see on a live moth. If you collect a group, you're bound to get some of both, but I've never taken the time to tinker with raising them. There are usually eggs to be found on the underside of tomato leaves this time of year in my area, though.
I am not sure you can in larvae stage. The male moth should have broader antennae.
The easiest way to tell is when they are in pupae stage. check this link:

You probably knew this already. but, just in case you do not know:
if you are planning on breeding this insect, avoid feeding the hornworms their native diet (tomato leaves).
Tomato plants (except for the fruit itself) is very toxic. Feeding them the leave will make the larvae inedible for your chams.
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I don't think you can as a worm.... but when the pupate you can by the way the end of the cocoon is shaped.... I think the males have a little loop thingy.... but I am not 100%
I don't think you can as a worm.... but when the pupate you can by the way the end of the cocoon is shaped.... I think the males have a little loop thingy.... but I am not 100%

The male literally have a protruding genitalia part just above the anus. check the link to see where you can locate the anus and the genitalia on the pupae. :)
The male literally have a protruding genitalia part just above the anus. check the link to see where you can locate the anus and the genitalia on the pupae. :)

ya know i bet your link says that.... LOL but I was lazy and didn't click on it.. just goin off what i remember hearing once :eek:
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