Horny Female Veiled


New Member
I have a female that after about 3 months of having her clutch, insists on visiting the males again. She has already had 2 clutches, the last one being 53, so i don't want to mate her again, but she goes insane. She continually is pacing her cage trying to get out, for days. Almost like she is gravid looking for a nest. She only seems to have 1 clutch each time she mates, but if she keeps it up she won't last long. What does one do with a horny female? NO i meant cham! lol.

If i were you i'd cut back her diet and just not breed her. You might see a decrease in this behavior if you give her smaller portions. How much are you feeding her now?
Her boytoy huh? Well she actually has 2 and she is now the only female. I think i am feeding her too much. I feed her 6 3/4" crickets, sometimes they are not always 3/4" which is why i give her 6. She is a big girl, over 100 gr, i actually thought she was gravid again. She only seems to have 1 big clutch and then wants her boyfriend. Do you think i should do what Brad suggests with food and temp? Or is it too late now that she has the itch? Last time she kept it up for almost a week and drove me crazy. I think she is an old girl and wants to get as much as possible before it's too late. lol.


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