Horse head hopper


Avid Member
pseudoproscopia latirostris

These things are so weird, I'd love to hear from the folks over seas if they've tried these as feeders? Pets? These are siiickly cool in my book. Let us all know what your experience has been for these marvelous looking creatures! These are native to Peru.
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Here are two nice pix I found on the web. These things are serious! hahaha..


Really hope one day us states' peoples will be legally allowed to keeper and raise these cool insects as pets, indian sticks are nice feeders.
wow thats crazy lookin lol i totally agree with you lol caught my first praying mantis the other day and that made my my day but wow thats way cooler than my meager meaningless mantis...
don't say that! lol, mantids are all special and cool. These are just... DIFFERENT from anything I've ever laid eyes on. I have held and looked at some pretty cool bugs in person, tons of phasmid species and tons of mantid species, but these things are just WEIRD. I love weird things btw :)
lol ya but they seem really small!! and ya i know some mantids are way cool but i just caught the simple green kind lol commonly found everywhere XP
Find quite a few of them on the desert grasses here....Very hard to spot though...No problems feeding them, chams love em.
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creepy looking bug:) but awesome looking. sadly i have never seen a mantis in person.. i don't know if i can find one in the grassy plains of eastern South Dakota lol :)
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