housing two veileds togeather


New Member
do you think i will be able to house a male and female veiled in a 11ftx12ftx9ft enclosed porch?the porch has both wood and screen but mostly screen
As big as that is.. (which is huge!) I still would be weary. They may breed continuously and that would stress the female.. the enclosure being that big would be HARD for them to find food, wouldn't it?
It would probably be much cheaper and easier to buy a couple nice screen enclosures from lllreptile.com than it would be to convert your "porch" into an enclosure for them. Just my opinion.
Yea the amount of foliage you would need you be a little crazy...and then the lighting/up keep to keep the plants alive...
its already enclosed and has a misting system all set up thats why i was thinking just make it a cage because we never use it anymore. would it be possible to put them in a smaller cage for feeding or just hand feed alot, and leave some food cups in for them. the only problem i could find was the lighting but i think i already figured that out. some citrus trees and some 4ft hibiscus and alot of the hanging jew will fix that right up.
Hand feeding could work, i think, if you cham will allow it, my male will not but my female will.

Im sure they would eventually find the food cups.

As big as it is i think that it is still "close" and it may put stress on the animals. IDK tho...
maybe gradually putting them out their a couple hours a day for a couple months until they look and eat comfortable?
Sounds like it might not work out too well. I would house them in cages on your orch so you can monitor food intake. what kind of light does your porche get? what kind of temps? How will you mist your chams and supply water?

Edit: I had my window open a while before responding. I had only see Sabrina's first post when I first read this thread
I dont think feeding is the issue, just put a few cups near their favourite hangout and they will find it im sure. The lighting is what I was trying to work out, but if you think you have it figured out, why not try it. BUT i think you would find 2 nice sized cages to be far more convenient.

Just out of curiosity, is this the porch on the front of your house? Sort of like a front room before coming into the house?
the porch faces south so it gets full sun light around noon and i mas gonna put 4x48in florescent fixtures with a 5.0 bulb and maybe heat lamps in the winter{maybe} and as i said before its got a nice pvc pipe misting system.
That could be solved using night time heat lamps.

However, if I were you, I would make a large cage, as you have been planning, but then separate it by a wall so that they can't see each other, like a partition. That way both are able to live in the same place but this eliminates any potential stress.
I used to spend alot of time in tucson, grew up in the valley.
Don't the temps regularly hit 50 degrees and below at night?

It's been known to get down to 30 where I live. It snowed in Tuscon the last time I was there for a soccer tournament.
That could be solved using night time heat lamps.

However, if I were you, I would make a large cage, as you have been planning, but then separate it by a wall so that they can't see each other, like a partition. That way both are able to live in the same place but this eliminates any potential stress.

heat lamps are not recommended... Using a ceramic heater would be better.

I think cages large separate cages with a visual barrier would be best for these two. The male will want to mate with her a LOT. My boys go NUTS when they see my female from across the room. They aren't able to control the urge.

You will need to control the temps a bit in summer. misting might help. you need to remember chams don't need intense sunlight. they will want shade during the mid day. they bask in the morning and late afternoon. if you do this you need to provide ideal temps and sunlight. if they can get direct light during the morning and late afternoon they won't need UV lamps.

temp control is critical.... figure that out and how to keep the two chams separate is what I would work on.
I'm intrigued. What are ceramic heaters? I was referring to those red night lamps that regulate temperatures.
Does it come in anything less than 100 watt? I use 75 watt heat bulb during the day for Fred because his cage is modest, as he's still little.
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