How did you acquire your last Cham?


Avid Member
Thought it would be interesting to see the means in which people are acquiring their Chams these days... How did you Acquire your LAST cham?

  • Established Online Breeder
  • Online Private Seller
  • Trade Show
  • Craigslist
  • Pet Store
  • Inherited
  • Gift
  • Found Outside
  • Hatched from Egg

DANG IT!!! Accidentally skipped over the poll option... Admin... Can somebody help me out here?
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petstore >.<

DITTO >< DOH ! :mad:

I think we have all brought home a PetStore Cham at one point. I have actually seen stores that DO know what they are doing... Did I say stores? I meant "a store" I have only seen one with as rare as they are... But they are out there.

I have to vote "Online Private Seller" Thanks Again Juli! Lombardi is Friggin Sweet!

Hopefully Brad will be able to fix this into a Poll for me...
Trade show.
I really prefer being to actually see and hold the chameleon before buying.
It's not that I wouldn't trust the reputable breeders online, it's just that I like to be able to pick out the animal that I want.
My Last One Came From Tiki Tiki Reptiles - Bob "The Rasta Man" Marley, is soooo freaking cute!
My newest I got last Saturday at the Sacramento show. Bought him (nice baby Blue Bar Ambilobe) from Pam's Chams. And he's 100% awesome. Thanks Pam!
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