How do I feed my chameleon?


New Member
She is an adult female. She eats, but not much because I can tell she is scared of me. Cup feeding doesnt work because she doesnt recognize the food. Free roaming doesnt work because her cage is too large and all the insects end up dead. She is ok with long tongs, but not great. How Am I supposed to feed her?
I have a Jackson chameleon and am not an expert on them but I put them on a leaf or branch so that he can see them and close the cage and stad back to watch if the bug falls just pick it up and put it back. ( I do this with mealworms though but I do not feed him mealworms often)
Best method I've found with my 4 1/2month old veild is to put crickets in a cup w/ lid, shake with calcium, then open the lid, put the cup w/ open end against the screen of the enclosure, and let them crawl up the screen towards my little guy's basking spot. He inhales almost all of them, 8-10 in each feeding. If a few get away, that's fine, that'll give him exercise while I'm gone at work.
Get a large plastic bin, sort of like a shoe box size, and put itin the cage, its big enough for your cham to think they are roaming free, but they arent so you can monitor food intake.
She is an adult female. She eats, but not much because I can tell she is scared of me. Cup feeding doesnt work because she doesnt recognize the food. Free roaming doesnt work because her cage is too large and all the insects end up dead. She is ok with long tongs, but not great. How Am I supposed to feed her?

You can try and make a feeder box. Run a few searches on the forum and you might come across some "how to" guide. Or you can take a look at how I made one and construct a similar one. It does a good job. Crickets, roaches, etc like to climb up the wire mesh and stay there. My chameleon knows that's where the food is.

Sorry, crappy picture

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