How do I get my chameleon to eat?


New Member
I really dont understand why my chameleon is like this. She is an adult female jackson. I haven't seen her poop in like 2 days (but she has tons of foliage and a live plant, so it is likely that she did and it went in the soil or I just never found it). But that isn't the huge issue, the main problem is that she is eating very little. I offered her waxworms today (I know they are like candy to a chameleon, but I though it would get her appetite up) but she didnt eat any. I offered her 7 crickets in a bowl, and she didnt eat those, so I left the crickets in there and hopefully she will eat them. She used to eat in front of me all the time, right from my hand! Now she barely eats, yesterday she only ate like 2 or 3 crickets. I even tried raising the temps to 85 degrees. I tried bringing her outside, and all that did was make her 10 times more stressed out. She went from green to purple. Then I put her back in her cage an she calmed down. Now she is in her cage, pretty green, with the bowl of crickets and I still dont see any missing crickets. I am at a loss, I dont know what to do. She is at a pretty good weight, and perfectly healthy other wise. I know she is not pregnant because she isnt fat as if she were full of babies. June and July already passed, and Jacksons have most of their babies then. I did move her from an 18x18x24 into an 18x18x36. That was 2-3 weeks ago. They are supposed to love the space, right? Please help me, I dont know what to do....:eek:
Chams can have babies at any time of the year usually. So just becuase june and july are over, does not mean she isnt preggo. especially if you havent had her for more than ayear and know she hasnt had contact with a male.

Jacksons are known for being picky eaters, as well as for not eating a whole lot of food.

I would stop offering her ANY food for 2 days, then offer 2 crickets.

Sometimes they just arent hungry. and they can go for a good week without food if they are healthy.

just make sure she has plenty of water. and that she has a good basking spot to digest if/when she eats.

Also, may want to look into getting some other types of bugs, she could just be bored with what you have. try silkworms and dubia roaches.
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