how do i mix silkworm chow


New Member
Im getting silkworms tomorrow and powder food i have to mix but how do i mix it so that they can eat it:confused:
I take about half a cup of powder, put it in a container. I boil the kettle. I poor small amount of boiled water over the chow mix. Stir. I want the consistancy to be a bit like making muffins, a little drier and crumblier than toothpaste. I keep adding water and squishing/stirring until I get that.

By making small batches like this as needed, I never have more than needed, never worry I will over cook or under cook (since I can add more chow or water easily) a whole batch.

MOST people however likely cook it all up right away. These are the instructions that came with mine:

To prepare - mix 1/2lb of chow with 3 cups of very hot tap water. Mix the powder and water completely before placing plastic wrap over the top of the container. Microwave on high for several minutes until the mix begins to boil, then remove and stir it up to allow for uniform consistency. Cover the mix back up and microwave for approximately another two minutes or until it begins to boil again. Press plastic wrap down gently to cover top of the chow to prevent excess condensation and to keep the chow sterile. Let the mix cool, then place a lid on it and keep it in the fridge.
I take about half a cup of powder, put it in a container. I boil the kettle. I poor small amount of boiled water over the chow mix. Stir. I want the consistancy to be a bit like making muffins, a little drier and crumblier than toothpaste. I keep adding water and squishing/stirring until I get that.

I love that Sandra. I usually use the microwave method with small batches but I think I'm going to try your way next time. Sounds less messy and less guess work.
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