How Do To Feed Baby Chameleons?


New Member
How Do I Feed My Baby Chameleon? do i have to hand feed him or do i have to let him hunt himself? or do i put meal worms in a dish and let him get em when hes ready?

so far i got some crickets in the cage for him to eat they are a little bit smaller than him and i got meal works with a few branches leading down into the pot for him to eat i got them cus they was the smallest things in the store for his size...

so anyone know best way to feed a baby?
let a few go in the cage and see how long it takes it to catch and eat them, the exercise and stimulation it will get is great, but it may not get enough food that way, and its a small risk but still possible that the ones it doesnt get will harm it while at rest. ( ie chewing on it )

if the cham gets them all in one day then continue just letting them out.

but to start i would try and do half and half, half outside and half freely roaming the cage. see what your cham prefers. some keepers prefer to only cup feed but not all chams will do it. its easy to keep track of the eating habbits in a cup, and also the dusts have a better chance of staying on the feeders while in a cup

good luck!!!!!
How old is the cham, what size is it?
a few free-roaming Fruit flies and pin-head crickets (or whatever size is about the width of your babies head), tiny silkworms, maybe tiny baby superworms (aka kingworms). Go easy on the mealworms. You wont be able to keep flies in a cup, but you can try cup feeding with the other prey (put the cup under a favourite branch so the cham sees them)
so far the free roaming crickets dont seem to be bothering it but the cham dont seem to be eating them either as i put them in yestoday and they are still there the crickets just stay stuck to the top where the heat lamp is rather than roaming lol

but what is this cup feeding? do u actualy put them into a cup then put the cham in the cup too? or put cup in a plant?
get a low cut dish/cup, zip tie it to a branch and place it strategically inside teh inclosure.

the cham will be able to pick out the food from there and contain the critters in a small cup to concentrate feeding and ensure he gets the food he needs.
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