Well I purchased my Vieled Cham from a pet store. He seems healthy he was in a cage with another Cham when I found him. Nobody can tell me how old he is or was, or whatever. So his body is around four inches long with out the tail, most of the time it is rolled up, if i had to do accurate size with tale around 7-8 inchs. Does anybody have a decent guesstemation on his age?
seems about the size of my girl and she is roughly 5 months, however every cham grows differently and girls tend to grow smaller than boys so it's hard to say, maybe one of the more experienced gentelmen or ladies can give more accurate answer.
yes i am sure of the gender the back legs have the spur one his feet. i will post one on my hand as soon as i can he still is new to enviroment i held him shortly today and didnt have my camera near it was both our first times