How do you get veileds to eat greens?


New Member
My guys and girl are eating their plants, all safe and washed, but they won't eat collard greens or romaine. I've taken a brown wooden clothes hanger clip upside down, to somewhat be out of sight, and attach the leaf, but none of them eat it. Any other suggestions? Do i just let them eat the plant? Do i give up? Or keep trying? I just thought of it when i wrote it, do you think it is because i've introduced something new, the clip? I first tried just hanging it on branches but they would just walk on it and it would end up on the bottom of the cage.


I just make sure my veileds see that i'm putting romaine in the cage and they will usually go to where i put it a few minutes later and munch on it. I just hook it to the branches in the cages.
Mine likes to nibble on the pothos plants, esp where the water makes contact with the plant from the dripper above it.
Mine was doing that exact thing for a little while, I was at the point where I was about to remove the plant, had read its not good for them too eat too much pothos. He seems to have stopped doing it now though
if you want you veiled to eat greens try misting it and then hang it on a vine or drape it over the vine thats what i do and my guy come right up and eats it
My guys and girl are eating their plants, all safe and washed, but they won't eat collard greens or romaine. I've taken a brown wooden clothes hanger clip upside down, to somewhat be out of sight, and attach the leaf, but none of them eat it. Any other suggestions? Do i just let them eat the plant? Do i give up? Or keep trying? I just thought of it when i wrote it, do you think it is because i've introduced something new, the clip? I first tried just hanging it on branches but they would just walk on it and it would end up on the bottom of the cage.


heya Debbie.
If they don't want to eat veggies, i say you don't have to worry that much.
(i'm guessing we are talking about veiled?)
Impale small bits of fruit and veggies onto sticks in his or her cage.
Lettuce can be done this way too.
They normally wont go for fruit at a young age though.
Make sure to replace them if they dont eat it that day.
Will do. I thought it might have something to do with the clips. Yes they are eating my plants as well, that is why i want to put something else in there. I even have panthers doing that. I guess I might just try putting it all their cages for a couple of weeks and see who wants it and who doesn't.

Chamlover I dont own a veiled but here is an idea that may help. I dont know if you cup feed so. You can try putting a few small peices of fruit or veggies in the bottom of a cup and then put crickets or whatever in there. When they go to get a crick they may or should pick up a piece of fruit or veggie along with it. If they like it then they may recognize it hanging in the cage and go for it. It may just be they need the initial contact with the food first. I really wouldnt think the clip would be steering them away but I could be wrong. Good luck.

Oh and you could also just slip it in the mouth when they are eating something else. Tricksy hobbitsis hahahaha sorry.
I've noticed that my veiled is starting to eat some of the leaves off of a plant in his enclosure. Will eating greens affect his color.....within the past week or so some bright yellow and greens have been coming out really nicely. Colors that I have never before noticed. So if I start feeding him greens, romaine is a dish of choice for veileds? Any other greens to try....collards??
Collard is probably the best of the greens that you can get in the stores. Dandelion is better than any other green that I know of. You should be able to find these in your yard or a nearby field. Just be sure that they come from an area that doesn't use fertilizers or insecticides. I've never heard of greens having an effect on colors, he's probably just at the age that these colors are starting to show. In all of my veileds, yellow and turquoise were the last to start showing. How old is he?
well I was told when I bought him that he was 15 months old, but people on the forum that have looked at my pics say he is around 8 months or so. I guess I do not really know for sure.
i think its pretty funny.....i have never offered him greens be4, so I went out and bought some fresh collard greens washed them off real good left them soaking wet and put them in his wasn't 5 minutes later, he went straight for it started licking the water and them started eating the greens......which I like because it is variety of food to give him now....
If that's him in your pic, he does look like about 6 to 8 months. I've got a 6 month old that looks almost identical. My six month old is about 9" total length. I have a 2 year old male and female and the male is about 16" total length. It seems like something just clicks in them as far as eating greens. I tried everything when they were young and they wouldn't touch them. With all of them, after about 6 months, I would notice bites out of my plants and then they would start eating.
yep....same scenerio here.....and he is going crazy drinking the water on the starting to wonder if i am not misting enough....the humidity is staying up there, but he is loving the water. I think i am going to be buying a female this weekend at the reptile show here this weekend....not for sure yet though.
Buying a female is a BIG step. I had heard so many horror stories about their supplementation, egg binding, etc. If you do, you may want to connect with Kinyonga about proper amount of food to give. She's found a way of cutting back on their food so that they only lay eggs when they've been bred. She's pretty much perfected this method. Good luck. David
thanks, yea I know they are a little more difficult to manage. My buddy had a female that got eggbound and died. I plan on buying her to start breeding in the future and see what can come of it.
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