How do you keep crickets from between Chloroplast and Screen?


Chameleon Enthusiast
I bought a bunch of cheap screen Zilla cages that I'm modifying to be solid sided. I love their size--30" x 30" x 18" but HATE the screen.

I've lined one cage with Chloroplast but all the crickets have found a way to get between the Chloroplast and the screen. I prefer the Chloroplast on the inside so the animals have less screen to climb on and damage their feet and nails.

Suggestions please. Thanks.
Bead of silicone caulk all around? If the screen is nylon, you might want to test the sealant in a small place first - make sure it doesn't eat through the screen.

With a little bit of practice, running a neat caulk line is pretty easy.
Or you can make or buy one if nicks feeder cup contraptions, that keeps most of the crickets in one place and it simulates free roam feeding
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