How do you keep your silks at the right temp?


New Member
Well - first night and I blew it! Knowing that my house was going to be around 60 during the night, I thought I would put the silkworms that I just got in the mail yesterday on top of my crested's night light dome cover. I didn't put it directly over the bulb part, but any event this morning when I was misting I check it out and the container was very warm and full of condensation. I opened the lid and I saw quite a bit of wiggling so I thought it was o.k. I ran home at lunch after reading condensation is bad - leads to mold to get the lid off, and most of them appeared to be dead. So for future reference - how do you keep these guys warm without cooking them?
Mine are just in a kitchen cupboard and seem to be thriving. Our house rarely gets below 65F at the moment, not sure how it will be as we get into winter though.
my house is pretty much AC'd year round so my house is like 74 degrees. They do great at this temperature.
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