how do you make beach drift wood safe?


New Member
i found some drift wood on the beach, and i would like to know how to make it safe to put it in my chameleon enclosure. i know you can bake it, but at what temperature?
yes i'd boil it first then let it sun dry seeing that its the summer then 350 temp in the oven bake it for about 45 minutes but keep an eye on it to make sure it doesn't burn. also if you have a place that sand blast you can ask how much or maybe they will do it for free and let them have a go on it for you.
I am not sure if its applicable but when cooking, most foods need to be heated to an internal temp of at least 155 to kill off most bacteria for 15 seconds, so I am sure if you can reach that mark it should be safe.
I've used boiling water to make beach drift wood safe.
The first thing you want to do is soak the in clean fresh water for about a week. This will help eliminate salts, organisims, tanins and any other junk in the wood. When soaking, change the water everyday! I soak my wood in large tubs outside. I just dump the old water out and fill new with my hose. It also helps to do it in full sun. I've noticed the tanins leach out quicker in the warmth of the sun. After this huge step is completed, then start your boiling. If the wood is to large for a pot (which most are), just stick the ends in the boiling water for a couple of minutes. Then (BE VERY CAREFUL WITH THIS STEP!!!!) take the boiling water and wood outdoors and slowly pour the water all over the wood. You may want to boil a second pot and do the same to the back side. Make sure to let the wood cool and dry before using.
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