how does my cage and egg bin look


New Member
Untill i can get the money for a DIY self cage i am using this cage and want to know what you guys think of it. Also i just made this egg bin i took a pic of her in it let me know it the size is good for her. also i want to put some plants in cause i need to find a better way of keeping up the humility. all opinions are greatly appreciated.


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How deep is the sand? My girl I use a bucket that allows for 6-12 inches of soil or sand. I use soil and I try to stay around 12 inches deep. and she always lays at the bottom of it. Good luck. Looks good though imo
i would switch to a five gallon bucket minimum like lindsay said 12 inches is the minimum i alow my females. that would perfect for a beardie laying bin though actually that what i use but mines red not saying it wont work just saying you will have more sucess with a deeper bin unless you plan on using that just till she starts diggin and then moving her to a garbage can type laying bin then i would leave it
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