How Does My Food Setup Look?


New Member
So today I redid all the containers for the superworms and the crickets. I added aspen shavings bedding to all the containers and gave the worms a bigger container. I also set up a seperate one for the worms to gutfeed them. How does it look?
I think it looks good. That size container wouldn't hold many crickets and if your trying to breed, you would need a lay box for the crickets. But otherwise looks great. :)
The container itself looks fine but feeding your crickets Flukers orange cubes(?) is bad. Despite how they're marketed, they are a poor gut loading food. Buy yourself some Bug Buffet, Cricket Crack or Bug Burger - all are sold right here on the website. One of those along with some dark green leafy vegaetables like Collard, Turnip or Mustard Greens and one additional fruit (rotate between apple, Blueberries, etc) will keep you crickets and Cham healthy and happy.
I use roach chow from a site sponsor. Cheaper than bug burger and etc., and the crickets eat it up as fast as I feed it. I would give your crickets greens: kale, mustard greens, butternut squash, and bee pollen...all good choices for gut loading. Variety with a gutload is best. As for the cubes, toss them out. They're garbage. False advertised.
I offered them some lettuce along with the cubes and they're eating all of it. XD I'm gonna keep the cubes for now since we still have a whole container of them left but I'll feed them fresh veggies too. They seem to be enjoying them.
I offered them some lettuce along with the cubes and they're eating all of it. XD I'm gonna keep the cubes for now since we still have a whole container of them left but I'll feed them fresh veggies too. They seem to be enjoying them.
I realise you don't want to waste your money, therefore want to use the cubes, but just because the crickets enjoy it, doesn't mean it's a healthy food item; kids enjoy candy and chocolate but the nutritional quality of those food items are horrible. It's similar with lettuce (unless it's red leaf). Dark colored greens like mentioned before (Collard, Mustard, Turnip, Dandelion), are far superior food choices and the crickets will enjoy those equally as much. This will save you and your cham alot of headaches (and heart aches) down the road, as poor nutrition via poorly feeding the feeders, contributes to a lot of the problems that arise with Chameleon health.
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