How healthy does veiled look... Opinions.


New Member
My veiled is 180g but has a large casque. He has been eating superworms lately. Wondering if he looks healthy or not. The orange on his nose is a bit of pumpkin.

From what I can see from these photos his bone structure looks pretty good. The one thing I haven't seen is a casque that looks like his, but then again I've only owned one veiled. Perhaps @jannb can provide some insight. (Sorry for always tagging you Jann, you're just so knowledgeable x3)
From what I can see from these photos his bone structure looks pretty good. The one thing I haven't seen is a casque that looks like his, but then again I've only owned one veiled. Perhaps @jannb can provide some insight. (Sorry for always tagging you Jann, you're just so knowledgeable x3)
Yeah it's gotten a lot fatter since I bought him from someone else. He gained about 40g over 4 months.
I hope you don’t mind but I’d also like to ask the same question, here are a few pics of my veiled maybe they have some similarities
I haven’t weighted him but he eats and drinkable well just wondering
Was he a rescue? How old was he when you purchased him?
I purchased him from someone on Kijiji. They told me he was around a year old. The person who had him before didn't use supplements, and also had a spiral UVB bulb which I threw away and got a linear HO 5.0 zoomed.
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