How long without water?


New Member
How long can a chameleon go without water? I have had my little veiled now for almost 3 weeks. Never seen him drink, not even once. I am assuming that he is drinking, or he would be dead, right? I don't know how to tell if he has sunken eyes, but to me they look fine. I might just be completely ignorant to all of this, but apparently this hobby comes with a steep learning curve... I am NEW to this!!
What is your method of giving him water? I hope not a bowl at the bottom or something. Chameleons are something you need to do alot of research on before purchasing.

Are you misting his cage a few times a day? Do you have a drip system?
Fool proof way to see if he is a secret drinker-look at his poop. If it has a nice white part and a dark part with no orangeish color than he is drinking. Please describe your caging situation.
How long can a chameleon go without water? I have had my little veiled now for almost 3 weeks. Never seen him drink, not even once. I am assuming that he is drinking, or he would be dead, right? I don't know how to tell if he has sunken eyes, but to me they look fine. I might just be completely ignorant to all of this, but apparently this hobby comes with a steep learning curve... I am NEW to this!!

I've had Viscorous for only three weeks and I've only seen him drink once. You chameleon is probably drinking a fair amount of water if he's still alive. Check his fecal matter, if there is a white tip (Urates), that is indeed white, there's nothing you need to worry about. If it is a yellow hue, then mist the cage a bit more frequently. If you want to see your chameleon drink, make sure there is water on the foliage in his/her cage, and prepare yourself to sit still for a VERY long time. Eventually your chameleon will assume its normal pattern of behavior and will most likely drink infront of you. Just keep an eye on the feces of your pet and mist the cage frequently. I'm sure that everything is fine. Good luck!
-Veiled Viscorous
I would check the poo as suggested.

With such a small animal (probably a couple grams) they can pull quite a bit of moisture from their feeders and humidity. Veiled juvenilles generally do not like mistings that much so do not be suprised if the behavior continues.

Only suggestion I have is to use hot water in whatever container you are using.
If you use tap water, it sprays out cold, and I was told that can easily agrivate the chameleon? I thought you were supposed to use hot water, so it sprayed out warm?
There is plenty of white poo....believe me lol. Every morning when i clean it up there are between 5-10. No yellow, no orange... so I guess it's ok.
I use luke warm water for several reasons . If the water is warm it dosn't shock a warm chameleon, warm water raises the humidity more effectively also warmer water wont drop the temp of the enclosure as much as cold water will.
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