How Long?


New Member
How long will it take by baby veiled to destress? I've had him for two days, and he ate about 8 or 9 crickets yesterday, so his appetite is getting there. But so far he REALLY doesn't like me! He turns dark when I walk up to the cage
It could take weeks for a baby cham to de-stress to its new environment. Even adult chameleons can take several weeks to complete this process. My baby cham took about a month to fully de-stress! Just give him his privacy, and try not to handle him until he seems fully comfortable in his new settings. They are such sensitive little guys! Congrats on your new addition :)
Precisely the length of a piece of string, I'm afraid. Could be another week, could be a month. I understand your frustration, I've had my panther girl for a month and she still isn't terribly impressed about having to tolerate me! Just persevere, try hand-feeding sometimes, he'll soon settle down once he realises he isn't travelling anywhere again, his enclosure is his castle and he's safe.
It takes the little ones more time to settle and build trust in you.
The most important thing is to be patient and dont force it.
Dont try to touch or get your hand too close, but show him your hand and put it in his cage every day with his food.

My babies will not eat from a cup or will hand feed, free range crick hunting only!!

My Ambilobe male is only now starting to come out of hidding and sitting in the open and does not freak out when I offer him a cricket in my fingers, he wont eat it, but he wont run and hide either, which is a big improvement over a few days ago.

I have had him 2 weeks, and he was born March 2012, so dont expect much in the first week.
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