How many crickets per day??

I have had my six month old panther for almost three months, and I have been feeding him about 15-20 medium crickets a day. He also gets a meal worm every few days. I've noticed lately that he eats all of his crickets immediately in the morning, and then goes around his cage looking for more. Should I be giving him more crickets daily? I don't want to underfeed him, but from what I've read, 20 crickets daily is already on the high end.
If he was just a baby I would say go ahead and feed more. At 6 months, 20 crickets a day is enough in my opinion! You hate to see them still hungry though. I would try feeding him some silkworms and incorporating that into his diet instead of the mealworms. They are a great feeder and are lowfat and high in calcium.
I've got a ~6 month old male Panther too... And homeboy eats a LOT relative to his size! I'm feeding him 5-7 full-size Lobster roaches per day (which have to be roughly the equivalent of ~5 medium crickets each). Plus I give him an occasional Super worm or Horn worm pretty much every day. Oh yeah, almost forgot... I put a few Blue Bottle flies in his enclosure whenever they're available. Gives him something to chase around throughout the day.
My 5 month Veiled has 12 medium crickets 2 medium locusts 8-10 bluebottles and 2-4 medium silkworms per day and would eat more. He is putting on an average of 5 grams per week. Today weighed 54g. They do seem to grow like weeds and eat lots when young.
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