How many crickets?


New Member
My husband and I have a male veiled chameleon. He is about 6 months old. We just started feeding him medium size crickets, but I'm unsure what the quantity should be. I have heard as they get older you should only feed them every other day. So how many crickets should I offer every other day? We are cup feeding about 5 or 6 crickets daily. Any input you can give will be helpful!
I think you're safe to feed every day still. He's not full grown yet. 5 crickets (or equivalent-hopefully your not just providing crickets) daily at six months likely isnt too much.

Indeed, I also feed all of my adults almost every day - just not as much quantity.

You can be guided by the fat pads on his head and the thickness of his tail, as well as the numbers on the scale vs his length when/if you weight and measure him. Temperature plays a role as well.
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