How many times???


New Member
Hello all,

How many times does a female dig to finally lay her eggs?? I have my female dig about 6 times but hasnt dropped any eggs yet...:confused:
Lots. She will dig test holes until she feels the hole is perfect and that she is comfortable with it. It may be a couple of days. Just make sure the medium in your laying bin is moist enough so that that it won't collapse. If she feels the medium is not right, she may not lay the eggs. Just pay attention (without disturbing her) to what is going on.
Its been like 3 days already and has not laid yet, she makes some long tunnels that dont colapse so im guessing thats good.
What are you using as your laying medium and what do you have as the laying bin in her cage? Some pictures would really help out here.
My first female would dig test holes for 3 to 4 days before getting on with the job for real. Try not to disturb her - you could cover the front of the cage once she starts digging.
Females also will not lay if the laying medium is too wet. It isn't "wet" is it? It just needs to be damp enough to hold a tunnel, not like wet sand on the beach. I had a problem with this recently. The soil on top only looked damp but underneath it was very wet from the extra misting I was giving her to keep her hydrated. I changed it and she laid 2 hours later. And only dug one hole.

I am not home when she digs, I just got home an hour ago and she was still in the same tunnel....She got out and went to sleep not too long ago.
Where was she when you went looking for the eggs? Up in the branches?

8 doesn't sound like enough to be a whole clutch.
She was way at the top sleeping, she has been drinking alot of water lately and she looks kind of skinny, i havent seen her eat yet. In total she has dropped 11...
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