How many?


i have a male veiled Cham and he is 4 months old. He seems to have a hollow leg, he will eat as much as I will feed him. Usually 12-15 crickets a day and 1-3 BSF larvae. Can they be over fed as babies or should I let him eat as much as he wants ?
It depends on the size of crickets but I don't think you're overfeeding him.
He's growing a lot right now so he will need a lot of food to support his growth. Also pay extra attention to your supplements and gutloads since he grows fast it's of even greater importance that he gets proper calcium, UVB, vitamins and minerals.
Black soldier flie larvae aren't really that filling so he's actually eating pretty normally. Baby veiled chameleons can eat up to 20 crickets a day. My panther baby used to.
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