How much and how often should i feed my 7 month old male panther chameleon ?


New Member

I have a 7 month old male red ambilobe panther chameleon and up to the last week or so has been eating around 5 locusts or brown crickets a day and occassionly i feed him a couple of meal worms or wax worms as a treat. but over the last week or so i have noticed he has not been eating as much and some the crickets are still in the cage when i get home. Should i start feeding him every other day now as he is a bit older but still keep the quantity the same ?

Is there any thing else i could feed him as i live in the uk and can not get hold of silk worms or roaches very easily. Ive been lightly dusting his food with a calcium supplement everyday and vitamin supplement once a week is this ok or should this be reduced as well ?

Any advice would be much appreciated

From what I've read here, they do slow down on eating around that age. There's a stickied topic at the top of the General Discussion forum with links to information that will, I think, answer all your questions. I don't owned that type of chameleon, so I don't want to give you any bad advice. The information here is from people with experience with panthers:
Mine slowed down around that age and I started feeding him every other day and I would stop feeding him mealworms even though they are a treat if you give him to any it could cause impaction. I would go ahead a switch to every other day
Thank you so much for your replies I'm going to change it to every other day. And buy try and get some roaches aswell. What should his weight be around this age ? :)
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