How much are you feeding your cham??


New Member
Hey guys...just wondering how much everyone is feeding there chameleon??

I feed my guy 6-8, 2 week old crickets twice a day. As well as the odd super worm or silk worm once a week when I can find small enough ones. I will post some pictures of my guy to show you his size.

I'm just curious because my boyfriend doesn't think I'm feeding him enough since everyday when I get home and reach in for his food dish he almost runs down for it. The other day I left the cage open and he climbed right out...

Any input would be great. Thanks :)
How old is your chameleon? if they are a baby feed them.....they are growing pretty fast. Make sure you are using a good gut load for your feeders. I don't feed my guys anything after 3 pm so they have time to digest their food. Hope this helps
How old is your chameleon? if they are a baby feed them.....they are growing pretty fast. Make sure you are using a good gut load for your feeders. I don't feed my guys anything after 3 pm so they have time to digest their food. Hope this helps

I'm not exactly sure how old he is..I got him from a pet store and they said 7-9 months old but he fit on one of my fingers. So I asked on here and everyone guess 2-3months old and I've had him just over 2 I'd guess 5 or 6 months old
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