how much food to give?


Established Member
i just bought this zilla gutload that the crickets love and i was wondering how much i should give and when i should give them food. bec they seem to be eating alot, but then stopping for a day, so should i keep their food holder constantly full for whenever they are hungry or what.
I just keep on leaving all type of food in my cricket container. Crickets have to eat and drink too. I am think about getting the zilla gut load myself.. I used carrots, flukers gut load, apple, lettuce, water gel.. Thinking about using strawberries but not to sure.
strawberries are too sugary, zilla gutload is by far my favourite because my crix love it and it good for them. cricket is not as good as this in my personal preference. also use those cricket water pillows bec my crix love em too. they are re-usable.
I give water and veggies to my crickets all the time but only gutload the night before the ones that I'm feeding my cham the next day.
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