How much for dubias?!?


Established Member
Hello, i am going to sell dubias in the near future and was wondering what is a fair pirce to sell them at in sets of 50's?

Example:50 for ____ and 150 for ____.

I have already researched many sites and came up with an average but wanted your opinions. I dont have as much as some people have, but i have way more then i will ever need. Btw i said fair meaning for not only the buyer, but for me too because i have clutches of cham eggs incubating and need money for supplies. Anyway thanks for reading and looking forward to reading your opinions!:D
Hello, i am going to sell dubias in the near future and was wondering what is a fair pirce to sell them at in sets of 50's?

Example:50 for ____ and 150 for ____.

I have already researched many sites and came up with an average but wanted your opinions. I dont have as much as some people have, but i have way more then i will ever need. Btw i said fair meaning for not only the buyer, but for me too because i have clutches of cham eggs incubating and need money for supplies. Anyway thanks for reading and looking forward to reading your opinions!:D

Example:50 for _12$___ and 150 for __30$__. This would be good for 1/2" & up mixed sizes. It all depends on the size of the nymphs, the larger the more expensive.
Example:50 for _12$___ and 150 for __30$__. This would be good for 1/2" & up mixed sizes. It all depends on the size of the nymphs, the larger the more expensive.

Thanks for the price of the mixed sizes, but i forgot to mention i will sell my male dubias. Sorry for not mentioning that earlier:eek:
Really depends on your colony size, customer base and medium in selling.

For example, locally I have a reptile store who will be buying dubias from me (hopefully) for around .20-.39 as thats what he gets them for at the moment. Those are medium sizes.

If I were selling nothing but nymphs (very small) I'd sell around 500 for 20-25 shipped on the forums.

I don't see why you'd sell nothing but males, unless you want to make a huge colony to sell from often. Just keep your ratios in order and you should be fine.

So unless you only want to sell adults (or juvenile, depending on how good you are at sexing) adults go for .59 a piece locally.
Really depends on your colony size, customer base and medium in selling.

For example, locally I have a reptile store who will be buying dubias from me (hopefully) for around .20-.39 as thats what he gets them for at the moment. Those are medium sizes.

If I were selling nothing but nymphs (very small) I'd sell around 500 for 20-25 shipped on the forums.

I don't see why you'd sell nothing but males, unless you want to make a huge colony to sell from often. Just keep your ratios in order and you should be fine.

So unless you only want to sell adults (or juvenile, depending on how good you are at sexing) adults go for .59 a piece locally.
The reason i am selling my males is i have a large amount of extra males. I am trying to sell often, so i can keep up with all the babies!(if most of them hatch)
50 males for like 20$ shipped or so.

thanks that was my average.
The reason i am selling my males is i have a large amount of extra males. I am trying to sell often, so i can keep up with all the babies!(if most of them hatch)

thanks that was my average.

"Hatch"?! Hmmm... Are you sure that the roaches you have are in fact, Dubia? The reason I ask, is that Dubia give live birth.
Will you be selling starters colonys? If so I mite buy when I get my panther:D
Sorry, i will not be selling starter colonys, maybe large nymphs, but not starter colonies.
"Hatch"?! Hmmm... Are you sure that the roaches you have are in fact, Dubia? The reason I ask, is that Dubia give live birth.

It did sound like i met the dubias, but I met my panther chameleon eggs, sorry for the confusion.
Good question! I dont know yet!:eek: i will post on the classifieds one of these days. Set my prices there. Again i dont have huge colony just a good amount extras.

I too will be doing this, I would suggest giving big discounts on the forum sell, as we are all here to help each other out. I'll be selling locally competitive (which can go for .59 no matter the size) but online likely at greatly reduced costs ( this forum only).
I too will be doing this, I would suggest giving big discounts on the forum sell, as we are all here to help each other out. I'll be selling locally competitive (which can go for .59 no matter the size) but online likely at greatly reduced costs ( this forum only).

That is great that you are good to sell them too. I will reduce the cost for this forum and add a little something extra;) i am also going to sell locally and advertise on a few sites.
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