hello all!
for my Christmas present I got a lovely Jackson male, who is at least 6 months old. My mom got him for me and unfortunately she used a web sight that was horrible. He was shipped poorly and by regular mail instead of overnight (she paid overnight shipping). However he does have bright coloring and his body condition is good. Anyway He is drinking on his own and has eaten a few meal worms and a few crickets since Friday and HAS NOT defecated . Today he has not eaten anything or really moved around but he did drink after I started the dripper. I heard Jacksons are harder then veilds and panthers (which I have both of). and are also more "sensitive". I have provided plants and vines in his cage for him to hide away but currently he is just hanging out in the vine out in the open. both of my other kids are very aggressive eaters and move around the cage constantly and given my new guys ruff shipment I am worried about him. So any input would be great
. Here is a description of his housing:
Screen cage (extra large), basking light, uvb hood (desert uvb) two vines weaved through a palm plant (I got it from Lowes and have the same kind for my other two and they are not poisonous). I also have some fake plastic vines. I use a dripper twice a day and mist him with a repti fogger. I have offered him meal worms and crickets so far, but I do have medium tropical roaches I could offer him if anyone is thinking that would help? I only offered meal worms because they stay put in a deep dish and don't move quickly. All 3 of my chams are in different parts of the house and can not see each other.
for my Christmas present I got a lovely Jackson male, who is at least 6 months old. My mom got him for me and unfortunately she used a web sight that was horrible. He was shipped poorly and by regular mail instead of overnight (she paid overnight shipping). However he does have bright coloring and his body condition is good. Anyway He is drinking on his own and has eaten a few meal worms and a few crickets since Friday and HAS NOT defecated . Today he has not eaten anything or really moved around but he did drink after I started the dripper. I heard Jacksons are harder then veilds and panthers (which I have both of). and are also more "sensitive". I have provided plants and vines in his cage for him to hide away but currently he is just hanging out in the vine out in the open. both of my other kids are very aggressive eaters and move around the cage constantly and given my new guys ruff shipment I am worried about him. So any input would be great
Screen cage (extra large), basking light, uvb hood (desert uvb) two vines weaved through a palm plant (I got it from Lowes and have the same kind for my other two and they are not poisonous). I also have some fake plastic vines. I use a dripper twice a day and mist him with a repti fogger. I have offered him meal worms and crickets so far, but I do have medium tropical roaches I could offer him if anyone is thinking that would help? I only offered meal worms because they stay put in a deep dish and don't move quickly. All 3 of my chams are in different parts of the house and can not see each other.