How much should I be feeding

@jackolantern ..hey bro..i think u can just keep 1-thread and shove all your query in that particular that it will be easy for you to track all the INFO u may be getting from other members...also u may use the "SEARCH" functions if ur in a rush sure other people have once had same query b4... :)

Expert Members will for sure give u some info as to how much u can feed on each cham...
@jackolantern ..hey bro..i think u can just keep 1-thread and shove all your query in that particular that it will be easy for you to track all the INFO u may be getting from other members...also u may use the "SEARCH" functions if ur in a rush sure other people have once had same query b4... :)

Expert Members will for sure give u some info as to how much u can feed on each cham...
Hi I'm really new to the forum and I'm still trying to figure things out haha
best practice is always POST photos so people can eyeBoL ur get some info/help/advice.... almost forgot Welcome to the forums..
My female veiled is about the age of yours, maybe a little bit younger. I feed her about 4 super worms a day, and she seems happy with that. Sometimes she likes a little bit more than that, but she seems to get along with four in general.
You are in the same boat as me.. I have a 5 or 6 month old female and a 3 month old male is super picky.. but has been eating a few fruit flies, and about 2 tiny dubia roaches, maybe a cricket and a roach..(he only ate meal worms b4 and refused everything else til i stopped him cold turkey..) now hes getting better with eating. I kinda just put things in a glass dish and work all day and come home to missing bugs.. my female eats like 3-5 dubias(size depending) and maybe a cricket or 2 or a butter worm for variety.. im guessing just feed them til they are full then i toss a few extra in the bowl to eat at leisure.. as long as the food is healthy and gut loaded and not super fattening i think they will be fine. i am new at this also tho..
My Female:
IMG_20170117_213903.jpg IMG_20170124_131246.jpg

My Male:
IMG_20170107_153141.jpg IMG_20170109_212103.jpg
My 3 month old male veiled eats between 10-16 small crickets everyday with the occasional superworm thrown in every few days.
That's my plan hahahaha

I have wanted to breed for YEARS. Luckily it is finally close to fruition :D I have to say though. Caring for lil new borns is HARD, you gotta know what your doing in general first, I suggest proving you can properly care for 2+ adults for 2+ years or more without death will be the pass to tell you you know enough about care to start breeding, otherwise you will run a gamut of risks that could just cause a lot of baby chameleon deaths. I like to always tell new owners this, Chameleons are literally like fish out of water. There are very few places in north America they can survive without special care. (Hawaii + Florida, and maybe some others) So we need to get them their needs all while giving them enough privacy tdo to their thing even thought we wanna watch not all chameleons like to be watched while they do... anything. Do you gotta have auto watering and typically will need feeder cups to some extent. How much they eat depends so much on their age, size, access to warmth, gender, and their digestion. SO it's not that simple I say you over feed them until you know how many bugs they eat a day on average and then start cutting back till you stop losing the bugs to starvation and your cham get all the bugs you toss in. That's a good way to go I think. Good luck!
I usually feed young veiled chameleos all they can eat in a couple of minutes. I leave one or two crickets extra for a snack later. If the chameleon starts to look fat cut back a bit. Make sure the insects are well fed and supplemented properly.

Once the female approaches sexual maturity you need to be careful not to overfeed her constantly. It will push her into egg production early and depending on how much you overfeed her it may make her produce a huge clutch and can cause prolapses, push her into MBD and eggbinding.

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You are in the same boat as me.. I have a 5 or 6 month old female and a 3 month old male is super picky.. but has been eating a few fruit flies, and about 2 tiny dubia roaches, maybe a cricket and a roach..(he only ate meal worms b4 and refused everything else til i stopped him cold turkey..) now hes getting better with eating. I kinda just put things in a glass dish and work all day and come home to missing bugs.. my female eats like 3-5 dubias(size depending) and maybe a cricket or 2 or a butter worm for variety.. im guessing just feed them til they are full then i toss a few extra in the bowl to eat at leisure.. as long as the food is healthy and gut loaded and not super fattening i think they will be fine. i am new at this also tho..
My Female:
View attachment 174969View attachment 174970

My Male:
View attachment 174971 View attachment 174972
Is it normal for my male to look like this cuz it doesn't seem like he gained any size since I got him


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