How much should I feed Delilah?


New Member
Hello everyone,
I recently purchased Delilah, my baby veiled chameleon. She has been doing great since she has been in her new home with me. :D I have seen no signs of poor health/dehydration. I am currently feeding her gut-loaded 1/4'' crickets w/ Exo Terra Calcium dust(no d3) 6 days a week + 1 day I give her a 1:1 ratio of regular calcium dust (no d3, but i do give her calcium w/ d3 once a month) and Reptivite Multivitamin. Plus, I am also giving her phoenix worms on a regular basis, usually about 5 a day. I am feeding Delilah currently 10-15 crickets in her first feeding in the morning. Then in the afternoon, after I get off of work, I give her an additional 10 crickets + 5 pheonix worms.

:confused: I just wanted to know if I am overfeeding her? Or am I under-feeding her? Everytime she goes to eat she cleans the entire dish. :p

Adam :cool:
You didnt say how old delilah is? But the normal feeding amount per day is 8-10 cricks. If they approp sized theat should be all she needs.
when my female veiled was young I fed her as much as she would eat twice a day and she never got fat, around 5 to 6 months old I started weaning her to every other day feedings. (around the same time her appetite slowed down a bit as well probably because she wasnt growing as fast anymore) so I say feed her as much as she wants as a baby.jmo.
Sorry I only stated that she was a baby and I didnt her actual age in there... anyways I believe shes about 1month old. She is still a baby. She definately has a fierce appetite though. I fed her this morning 15 1/4'' crickets and then 4 hours later she was by her food dish so i put in a few small phoenix worms and she ended up eating 10. lol :p
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