How much to feed


New Member
Hi I"m new here
I bought a female Veiled Chameleon a week ago she is 8 months old
The guy a the pet told me she should eat about 15 crickets a day
she does eat right around 15 give our take a day
I would like to know if 15 a day is enough for her are she she eat more
I also put calcium on her crickets every other day and use multivitamins
twice a week is this rigt are wrong would like input from pepole please
she is my first chameleon would like for her to be around a long time

Thanks cindy
I only do calcium & vitamins about 2-3 times per week. Also, are you looking to mate her? If not, you probably don't want to be feeding her that much. I have two females and at about 6 months old I only feed every other day, and I only feed 6-10 crickets. With that, you also want to keep the general temp's in the low to mid 80's.

Now if you do want to breed her, that's a different story that you'll need to hear from someone else. :)
Not looking to breed her with her heat lamp temp is about 90s in day and at night time about 75 to 80..
how come you feed very other day?
Do I not feed her very day?
Hi Cindy and Welcome!

You're fine to feed daily, especially until she's a year old. But you can start cutting back the amount now slowly, as you probably dont want to feed her quite so much (lots of food equals lots of eggs, which probably equals shorter life). You may want to check out this site, in particular the part about keeping a female:

Do you have a laying bin ready for her?

Crickets have a poor calcium to phosphourous ratio (too high in phos, compared to the calcium). So, I LIGHTLY dust every cricket with calcium. However it should be noted that I definately dont just offer crickets, believing a variety of gutloaded insects is the better way to go.
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how much do I cut back on her feeding she eats about 15 crickets
a day so when she a year old how much should she eat ?
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