How Much?

How much should i be feeding a 2-3 month old veiled chameleon? I have both small and medium crickets. And how many times a day? Also have super worms but i know they can get addicted to them(So i read anyways).
Oh really? All they want?! I read somewhere that you dont want them to grow too fast and shoulf feed babies 5-8 small sized crickets a day! That's why i joined this, wanted advice from people who have chameleons and not from a website that you don't know who is giving the info. And never taking advice from petco workers, most seemed confused and kept saying "to my knowledge ".
Well i went off of the website on 5-8 a day. Now i feel like i was starving him. I always thought he was a little skinny. That's why i asked here.
my female pantha at 11 months is on 8-10 small/med crickets aday and when I have silk worms she had between 5-10 ( small).
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