how often does a cham shed?


New Member
my cahm shed about 4 weeks ago, over the last day or so he has gone off his food i wondered if this my be the reason. Also can you feed your cham maggots?:)
Young chameleons shed roughly every four weeks, but they gradually shed less frequently as they get older. Also, adult chameleons tend to shed in patches rather than one complete shed each time.

I have noticed that my chams eat a bit less when they are shedding, but they don't go off their food completely, and it usually doesn't last for more than a day or two.

Also can you feed your cham maggots?
Yes, you can feed your cham maggots, but like any feeder insect, it depends where you got the maggots from. If you've been breeding the maggots yourself, then there shouldn't be any problem. But if you've just come across the maggots in the wild, then there is a good chance that they will have been exposed to parasites, which could then infect your cham.
Check out this article for hints on how to rear maggots and flies:

Incidentally, Phoenix Worms (which are commonly sold as chameleon feeder insects) are actually the maggots of the Soldier Fly.
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