How often should they shed?


New Member
Hello, I'm wondering how often veileds should shed the first 6 months? Mine has about doubled in size and hasn't shed in a few weeks. He is starting to look a bit stressed most of the time. But eats really well, 30+ crickets a day. I also just recently got a mist king, I wonder if it's scaring him. But he doesn't seem to stress when it goes off. Although he hides in the pothos most of the time, it makes me worry that he's missing out on UVB.

Should you worry this much as a chameleon owner?
I think worrying is normal if you truly love your pets I think mine is about 3-4 months old it likes the ficus tree a lot and normally doesn't go down to the pathos plant when my mister comes on it runs down the tree but once it turns off it goes right back up. my chameleon has shed once in last 3 weeks I think she is about to shed again though
You always worry this much as a cham owner.

The time between sheds gets progressively longer. At first, they're shedding every couple weeks, then once a month, every couple of months and so on.

30 crickets a day seems excessive to me, unless they are really small. At 6 months they should be on about 1/2 inch crickets, though it depends on the cham's size. A good rule of thumb is no longer than the space between their eyes. Over feeding at a young age can make them grow too fast and lead to MBD, even if they have proper UV lights. It's like inducing growth spurts. Most species grow to full size in a year, so that's fast anyway. At 6 months, I usually cut down to about 10 or so crickets or the equivalent a day. At a year, 10-12 every other day.
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