How Often To Use D3

How old is your cham? A young cham needs Calcium without D3 at every feeding (adults everyother feeding). Calcium with D3 twice a month. You also need a multi vit. once a month.
That's what I would have preferred to use, but I needed to pick up something locally and not wait for it in the mail. Not a lot of decent pet stores in my area, so no Rep-Cal products. I'll order some tonight.
I use a phosphorous-free calcium powder on the insects at most feedings to help make up for the often poor ratio of calcium to phos. found in most insects.

I use a vitamin powder with a beta carotene source of vitamin A because beta carotene (prOformed vitamin A) won't build up in the system like prEformed sources can. However, there is controversy about whether all/any chameleons can convert some people give a little prEformed vitamin A once in a while. Excess prEformed vitamin A can interfere with the D3 and push the chameleon towards MBD.

Calcium, phos., D3 and vitamin A are important players in bone health and other systems and need to be in balance. When balancing them you need to look at your supplements, what you feed to the chameleon and what you feed to the insects.

Temperature and UVB also play important parts in this.
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