I have recently purchased a Umbrella tree for Eva's FR and was wondering how often i should water it to keep it healthy. Also how mcuh light and what kind because it is not by a window its next to her cage. Any suggestions will help and thanks for reading
I used to have umbrella plants in all my enclosures - 35 of them - and never lost a plant. All my cages have dual fluorescent fixtures with a 5.0 reptisun and a 6500k bulb for addititional light. Re-pot the plant with soil containing no fertilizers and mix with about 40% sand for good drainage. I re-potted in a different pot and used medium river rock for a base, then put in the soil and plant. Wash the plant well to remove all pesticides before using. Bought everything at Lowes - light fixture, sand, river rock, pot, plant but the unfertilized soil was harder to find - probably have to go to a nursery. When you see your cham eating the soil, you'll be glad you took the time to do what I've listed. As far a watering, I let the misting system handle that but occasionally I'd have to water a plant here and there. I drilled a 1-1/2" hole in the middle of the cage bottom so the water would drain into a drainage sysem under the cages.