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- Your Chameleon - The species, sex, and age of your chameleon. How long has it been in your care?Veiled chameleon…average age 5-6 months from most people that gave their opinion and I trust lol….been in my car for 2 months and a week literally… I’ll be going by that age then.
- Handling - How often do you handle your chameleon?I don’t handle my chameleon at all….He seems to get stressed and hisses at me a lot so I just let him be….as long as he’s not sick there’s no means to handle him with all due respect he’s amazing as it is….It is always a good idea to build some trust with him though. Here’s a great blog on how that’s done. https://www.chameleonforums.com/blogs/building-trust-with-your-chameleon.2396/ Thank you for the blog it’s more than helpful and I’d be lying if I said it didn’t work but it sure did….Just this morning I got myself comfy I showed him a super worm I left in the fridge to slow his movement and when I left he was crawling down to where I usually leave his food dish so I tried again and it took a few minutes before he snatched it with his tongue it was amazing…I’ll try again after washing clothes..Thank you
- Feeding - What are you feeding your cham? What amount? What is the schedule? How are you gut-loading your feeders?I’ve been feeding my Cham horn worms about 2xS a month but about 4 a month total ….i feed em crickets super worms meal worms I’m looking into getting live grasshoppers wax worms and my wife just bought me some black soldier fly larvae and I can’t wait till they hatch to flies…..I gut load them with apples carrots and green veggies and the schedule is usually from 8-10 am to allow him enough time to digest those bad boys…Drop the meal worms and it’s good. Also maybe try some silkworms and roaches…both very healthy staple feeders. Just for kicks & giggles, attaching graphics below.
- Supplements - What brand and type of calcium and vitamin products are you dusting your feeders with, and what is the schedule?the brand I’m using is repashy NoD for every feeding and for vitamin A every 2 times a month is Reptivite Ok, but I’m not as concerned about the vitamin A as I am for vitamin D3. Does your ReptiVite contain D3 or not? If it does, excellent! If it doesn’t, you’ll need to give a calcium with D3 one feeding every other week and not the same week that you use the ReptiVite.
- Watering - What kind of watering technique do you use? How often and how long do you mist? Do you see your chameleon drinking?I use a dripper and I also hand mist with my reptile mister I bought from Amazon but I am looking into buying an automatic misting system but for now I’m doing great without it….i just 2 times a day…30 min before lights go on and 30 min after they turn off but I won’t lie I tend to tweak it every now and then when I think it’s necessary such as a very hot day…I’ve only seen him drink twice since I’ve had him. Many chams are secretive about drinking. Your misting is great. Just don’t run the dripper all day. Usually only about 15-20 minutes once a day is enough. I noticed lots of budget misting systems of Amazon but I know zip about them. The only system I will vouch for is Mist King.
- Fecal Description - Briefly note colors and consistency from recent droppings. Has this chameleon ever been tested for parasites?Which brings me to his peee…I can tell he is hydrated due to the white creamy residue called urate he leaves behind and his poop is nice and moist as if it wasn’t hard for him to push out such as us humans when we don’t drink enough water and have to push excessively lol sorry for that brief example hahaha… I’m a nurse and if you only knew how nurses talk to each other during meals
and no I haven’t nor know if it’s been tested for parasites….how much would that cost? The costs vary by vet, but it seems to be around $30-50 for an in house fecal test - more if they send it to an outside lab. You will need a vet visit though and those usually start around $45.
- History - Any previous information about your cham that might be useful to others when trying to help you.No other info I’m sorry besides it coming from petco…and I’ve heard and read reviews about buying chameleons from such places it’s not the best but so far my little man has been a champ and thriving…Some of us have Petco chams and haven’t had problems. Others have had some of the saddest stories. I don’t like supporting Petco, but believe that it isn’t the animals faults where they ended up and they deserve good homes too. It’s a debated topic with no conclusion.
To be continued….